SEO terms are used to describe the practices employed by an individual or organization in order to improve their own site’s ranking on Google or other SERPs. Today Best SEO Vancouver will discuss some SEO terms that you must know when dealing with SEO. So let’s find out.
Top 12 Common SEO Terms You Should Know
Now let’s know what are these SEO terms-
- SERP- Search Engine Results Pages
When we type something and search on Google, the page that shows many results is called the Search Engine Results Page, or SERP for short.
- Keyword
What is searched in Google is called a keyword. Keywords can be long-tailed and short-tailed. For example, short-tail “the best restaurants in Canada”, and long-tail “like this article name”.
- Web page
Any page on the Internet is called a webpage. A website has many types of web pages like an about page, a privacy page, a contact us page, etc.
When you’re on a website, the text or code you see at the top of your browser, the address bar, is the URL. URLs usually start with HTTP:// or HTTPS://. Then there is the domain name of the website.
- Link
If the URL of another website is on the upper website or highlighted text, then it is called a link.
- Backlink
Backlinks are links from your website to other websites. Suppose, you have shared a link on your website’s Facebook page. That means you got a backlink from Facebook.
These backlinks are very important in SEO, especially Offpage SEO. Google ranks a website depending on backlinks, so if you want to do SEO on your site, you need to build more backlinks on your site. You can contact us today to avail yourself of the backlink service.
- Inbound links
A link that, when clicked, takes you inside your website is called an inbound link. That is, within other people’s websites. If someone clicks on that link, they will be taken to your website. It works like full backlinks, backlinks and inbound links are the same thing.
- Out Bound Links
Other people’s links on your website are called outbound links. Think, if you have given a link to Twitter on your website then this link is an outbound link for you but it is a backlink or inbound link for Twitter.
- Content
Content is anything on a website such as images, videos, articles, PDF files, links, etc.
- Traffic
In the language of digital marketing, traffic refers to visitors. That is, the person who enters your website is your traffic or visitor, site traffic is very important for a site’s SEO.
- Conversion Rate
Conversion rate refers to the ratio of how many people visit your website and how many people buy products from you. Imagine today if you get 100 traffic to your website and 20 people buy products or 50 people read one of your website’s articles, then your conversion rate will be 20% or 50%.
- Meta Information
Meta information refers to both meta titles and meta descriptions. A page should have these two things. You must give the article a title and that title serves as a meta title.
You need to separate the meta description so that Google can easily understand what your article is related to. If you don’t write a meta description it becomes very difficult to rank the site by SEO
Final Verdict
The above-mentioned 12 common SEO terms are widely followed by many small and large companies to maintain their website rank on SERPs. Contact us to get SEO and Search Engine Page Rank services.